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Dad Installs Camera to See Why Daughter Stays in Her Room

Let’s be real — the mindset of a teenage girl is often complex and difficult to comprehend for many. Though this might be the case, it’s seen that parents generally make every possible effort to understand these complexities of their teen. At the McKinley home, something weird started to take place, and Darren was at a total loss about what was happening to his daughter. This inexplicable situation wasn’t only concerning for Darren, but it also began to befuddle the doctors and child protection officers involved. They couldn’t have anticipated quite how serious the conditions involving their teenage girl would turn out to be.

Meet the McKinleys

Darren McKinley, along with his new spouse Pam and his teenage daughter Natalie, dwelled in the guesthouse of his parent’s property. Although the space was ample enough to sustain their lifestyle, it wasn’t necessarily the perfect spot for them to lay down their roots permanently.

Darren had a dream of relocating his family to a better house, ideally, a place that wasn’t within the shadow of his parent’s residence. He had been diligently storing away money to move out, but for the time being, they had to stay where they were. Life was all right until Darren began to spot something weird happening inside the house.

Child of Divorce

Darren had just witnessed his daughter, Natalie, enter her 15th year of life. His pals had told him that this age would be a tricky period for both of them to navigate. The belief was that girls at exactly this period seemed to imagine they had all knowledge of the world, and this could often translate to a bit of sass when it comes to their folks. Nevertheless, this challenge wasn’t something Darren felt he wouldn’t be able to tackle.

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He was not ready for the impact of his split from Natalie’s mom. He made every effort to be there for Natalie, but the situation took a new turn when Pam entered their lives. Unbeknownst to him, this was going to modify everything significantly.

Growing Quieter

Darren and his daughter Natalie had always been a tight-knit pair, sharing an unbreakable bond. He was there for her, catering to her needs in all possible ways. They had a deep connection that witnessed a shift when his new wife, Pam, entered the picture and started living with them. Their once simple and close father-daughter bond experienced a change with this new addition to their family life.

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Despite Darren’s firm belief that nothing would be different, Natalia steadily started withdrawing into her shell. At dinner times, she was less engaged and avoided any interaction with Pam as much as possible. At the start, Darren passed it off as typical teenage behavior, but the more Natalie became silent, the more worry started to gnaw at him.

Just a Phase

It had been fewer than twelve months since Pam moved in with them, but Natalie’s behavior had remarkably altered. Instead of lingering in the common areas of the house, Natalie quickly retreated to the sanctuary of her room right after school. She would stay secluded there for most of the day, with dinner being the only reason to set foot downstairs.

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Darren thought that social media was perhaps the problem. He’d read stories about teens becoming victims of online bullying and other such problems. He was unaware, however, of how the impending events were far more serious than what he was assuming and would make his current worries seem almost ordinary.

A Healthy Distance

Being sure of how they felt about each other, Darren was careful not to pressure Natalie into opening up about her personal life. He made a point of sharing his own emotions with her, hoping this would make her feel comfortable to confide in him, but his plan didn’t seem to work. Natalie remained silent.

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In the end, Darren chose to confront her about what was happening, but all she gave him was a vague response saying that she still wasn’t comfortable with the rest of their home. He picked to let it be, believing that if something was truly amiss, his daughter would bring it up with him. Before long, Darren was going to learn that such faith wasn’t sufficient.

Summer Break

As the days grew warmer, the family began to store away their cold-weather gear and, instead, donned shorts to stay comfortable at home. It was on one of these balmy mornings when Darren, perched at the kitchen table, noticed Natalie descending the staircase. His attention was swiftly captured by the sight of a large bruise marking her leg.

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Despite his best efforts, he found himself unable to avert his gaze. Curiosity stirred within him, prompting him to question how she acquired the mark. Her response was a simple shrug and a claim of ignorance, “I have no idea.” Yet, her casual indifference didn’t quench the inkling of unease that was brewing deep within him.

Everything Seems Normal

To anyone looking in from the outside, the McKinleys seemed to have it all. Darren was always putting in those extra hours at work to build up their savings for a new home. But no matter how busy he got or how tired he was, he always found the energy to spend time with his wife, Pam. And he always made a point to hang out with his daughter whenever life’s little chances presented themselves.

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Truth be told, Darren’s worries were growing with each passing day. He couldn’t always keep a watchful eye on Natalie, which troubled him deeply. One particular night, he found himself jarred awake. His wife wasn’t in bed, and there were peculiar sounds echoing through the house. Nonetheless, the moment he left the comfort of their bedroom to explore, the noises mysteriously ceased. What exactly was transpiring?

More Than One

In the following weeks, Darren noticed an increasing number of bruises appearing on Natalie’s legs. As soon as the old ones began to fade to a soft yellow and vanish, fresh ones materialized next to them. Darren brought up the subject again, but Natalie couldn’t meet his gaze when she explained to him that she found them upon waking up.

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The father was growing more anxious each day. His sleep was getting interrupted frequently at night. Initially, he blamed his concern about his daughter’s unusual behavior for his sleep trouble. But when strange noises kept waking him up consistently, he decided it was time to solve this baffling mystery.

Getting Suspicious

Amidst Darren’s bewilderment and worry, he found himself doubting the only other person present in the house. Overwhelmed by fear and apprehension, he ended up blaming his spouse, suggesting she might have something to do with the mysterious marks that had shown up on Natalie’s legs.


Pam felt herself reeling. It was unbelievable that her husband could even entertain the thought of accusing her of any harm towards his little girl. She was emphatic that she had no part in it, and she made sure he knew just how grave his allegations were. After sharing a year of wedded bliss, she believed her husband would have had more faith in her than this. Regrettably, his sense of doubt did not dissolve, even after he offered an apology to Pam.

The Facts

Darren was aware that the relationship between his daughter and Pam wasn’t going smoothly; he’d hoped that as time passed, they’d find a way to fix their strained connection. However, the way Pam cared so little about their predicament caught Darren by surprise.

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He took a moment to ponder the evidence before him. Pam denied having any involvement in the appearance of the bruises. Natalie herself expressed confusion about their origin. The girl, who was in her teenage years, preferred to stay indoors. She had no interest in venturing out to social gatherings, participating in sports, or engaging in romantic activities. Her time during the summer holiday was largely spent in her room, absorbed in books or busy with her craft projects. The mystery persisted – how was it that these unexplained bruises kept appearing?

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