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Soldier returns home after two years to learn of his daughter’s “new father”

For nearly two years, Jamie’s only thought was about reuniting with his wife and daughter. He missed crucial years of his daughter’s growth, and it broke his heart. But duty called, and he understood. However, the reunion was not what he had imagined. When Jamie finally hugged his daughter again, she told him that she had to meet her “new daddy.” Jamie’s heart sank as he wondered who this “new daddy” could be. Had his wife been unfaithful, or was there something else at play?

A mysterious drawing

While stationed in Iraq, Jamie received letters from family and friends every week. His daughter would send him drawings, which he cherished. One day, a drawing arrived that left Jamie perplexed: it featured his wife, daughter, and a mysterious man.

The man was dressed similarly to Jamie, which only added to her confusion. Who was this man and why was he in a photo with Jamie’s family? The question gnawed at her insides, but she tried to dismiss it as nothing more than a child’s imagination.

Doubts begin to form

Despite his efforts to dismiss the drawing, Jamie couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling it gave him. His mind kept returning to the image, trying to find a possible explanation.

Sergeant Alyssa Blom // Army

Was she a family friend, or was there something his wife wasn’t telling him? As the days passed, Jamie began to notice other little details in her letters that seemed out of place: vague replies, hurried notes, and sometimes a certain distance in his wife’s words.

The waiting game

As Jamie continued his deployment in Iraq, he pushed his worries away and focused on his duties. But each night, as he lay in his bunk, the questions came back. Who was this man?

Coleman Military Supplies

What was going on at home? The more he tried to ignore it, the more persistent the thoughts became. Every letter from home became a double-edged sword: it brought him closer to his loved ones, but deepened the mystery.

Monthly calls home

Jamie’s monthly calls home were a lifeline, providing brief moments of normality amid the chaos of war. During one call, he asked his wife about a dog in the drawing, but her nervous response made him suspicious.

Flickr // 170th Infantry Brigade Combat Team // CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Stacy claimed it was just a stray dog ​​her daughter liked, but Jamie wasn’t convinced. He wanted to believe her, but something in her voice made him uneasy. Why hadn’t she mentioned the dog before?

Hear strange noises

During the next few calls, Jamie began to notice background noises that seemed out of place. Sometimes, he would hear a man’s voice in the background, and when he asked questions, Stacy would quickly change the subject.

Reddit // u/nu6626

Jamie tried to convince herself it was nothing—just the TV or a neighbor walking by—but the doubts were there, lurking just beneath the surface.

How to combat your emotions

Jamie was trained to stay focused and compartmentalize his emotions, but this was different. The thought of something going wrong at home gnawed at him, affecting his ability to concentrate on his tasks.

US Army // Things you take to war

Every time he thought about his wife and daughter, the image of the mysterious man in the drawing came to mind. He told himself he was exaggerating, but deep down he knew something was wrong.

Coming back home

Finally, the day came when Jamie’s tour ended and he was able to return home. He imagined a happy reunion with his family, a moment he had replayed in his mind countless times.

Wikimedia Commons // U.S. Air Force photo – Staff Sgt. Nathan Bevier // Public domain

But when he stepped off the plane and into the airport lobby, he sensed something was wrong. The usual excitement of seeing his wife and daughter was overshadowed by a nagging sense of dread. Where were they?

No trace of his family

Jamie searched the crowded hallway for the familiar faces of his wife and daughter, but they were nowhere to be found. Other soldiers were reunited with their families, tears of joy and relief flowing freely.

Stuck at the airport // Harriet Baskas

But Jamie was alone. His heart was pounding as he tried to reason with himself. Maybe they were late. Maybe there was traffic. But a cold fear gripped him: what if something went very wrong?

A surprising vision

Just as Jamie was about to give up and call his wife, he saw them. Stacy and Lauren were getting out of a van and waving goodbye.

Reddit // u/3Ekis

Jamie’s heart sank as he saw the vehicle; he didn’t know anyone who drove a truck like that. As his wife and daughter ran into the foyer, Jamie noticed how much Stacy had changed. She looked thinner, almost frail, and had a nervous energy that Jamie couldn’t ignore.

The awkward hug

When Stacy and Lauren finally saw Jamie, they ran over to him, and the family hugged each other. But the hug was different: awkward, almost forced.

Photo courtesy of Sharilyn Wells //

Jamie hugged her daughter, but her eyes were fixed on Stacy, searching her face for answers. Something was wrong, but she couldn’t figure it out. She asked who had left them there, but she avoided her gaze and muttered something about a neighbor taking them.
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