Mom Delivers Baby, The Baby’s Appearance Confuses Doctors

This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.

Welcoming a baby into the world is one of the most thrilled moments a family can experience, yet no amount of preparation can truly ready them for the upcoming childbirth. The delivery room is a place where unexpected things always seem to happen, and at times, these surprises are utterly unforeseen.

When a woman from Nigeria had her baby, the infant didn’t resemble what the pair had envisioned. Not even the doctors could understand the unusual situation. Could the baby really be his?

Meet the Ihegboros

Like any other pair waiting for a baby, Ben and Angela Ihegboro were not particularly unusual. The couple was originally from Nigeria, but five years earlier, they had made a decision to shift their lives to South London, UK.

WSL – Spurs

The Ihegboros were already parents to two kids when the news of Angela’s third pregnancy came. Unlike her previous pregnancies, this one was going to be different. Unknown to them, the birth of their child was about to astound the medical professionals.

Welcoming a New Baby

Before they realized it, it was time for the arrival of Ben and Angela’s third child. Up to this point, the pregnancy had proceeded without a hitch. All was going according to the plan with nothing out of the ordinary.

Image is for illustration purposes only: Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

Angela and Ben made their way to a London hospital, ready to welcome their baby into the world. As Angela was swiftly prepared for the arrival, Ben nervously sat in anticipation in the waiting room. As the moment arrived and Angela gave birth, the situation took a rapid turn from the norm, evolving into something far from ordinary.

The Delivery

Not just were things out of the ordinary—the birth turned out to be completely different from any other the medical team had ever witnessed.

Image is for illustration purposes only: Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

Shortly after their daughter was brought into the world by Angela, both she and her husband, Ben, began to notice something unusual about the infant. It was a situation they were not ready for or could have imagined. The doctors too observed this peculiar condition of the newborn. Deep down, like any other mother, all Angela desired was the assurance that her baby girl was in good health.

Healthy Baby

Just like any other mom, Angela’s greatest concern was the well-being of her baby. Andrea, of course, felt a great relief knowing her daughter was in good health, but there was something about her baby’s look that was both unexpected and quite unusual.

Screenshot via “The Sun”

“The first time I laid my eyes on my baby, I was full of joy. I’m so glad I have a baby,” Angela joyfully shared with The Sun. She added, “When I was in the room they had me stay in, some of the individuals who caught sight of me and the baby exclaimed in surprise,” So, we’re left wondering, what exactly took the doctors by surprise?

Strange Appearance

Angela had a daughter who was as white as snow. Not just that, but she also had hair as golden and curly as a summer sunflower, and eyes that were as blue as the sky on a clear day. “At the same time I was surprised to see the blonde hair,” Angela remembered later.

Screenshot via “The Sun”

How could this be real? Angela and her husband, both from Nigeria, had dark skin, dark hair, and dark eyes. It was puzzling then, that their newborn baby had fair skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. Angela was stunned by her child’s looks, but it seemed the doctors were even more baffled about the baby’s unusual physical features.

How Is This Possible?

Every single doctor and nurse was baffled. One mystery left them scratching their heads: How did a Nigerian woman with dark skin end up having a baby with pale skin? They were utterly puzzled. In their search for answers, they soon started posing some unconventional and quite personal questions to Angela.

Image is for illustration purposes only: Photo by Alex Hockett on Unsplash

“Did I marry a white? Is my husband a white man?”, the medical staff inquired, as Angela remembered in her conversation with The Sun. This was merely the start of their questioning. It was clear that the doctors were steadfast in their mission to uncover the truth behind the puzzling situation.

Angela’s Husband

Caught off guard by their inquiries, Angela promptly responded with a firm “no”. Like her, her spouse was from Nigeria. Yet, it was a mystery how a couple with deep Nigerian roots, both having dark complexions, could have a baby of a starkly different appearance; a child with fair skin, blonde locks and captivating blue eyes.

Image via @BenIhegboro/FB

There was one person who was yet to learn about the birth of the baby, and it was Ben, Angela’s husband. What reaction would he have when he discovered that his newborn daughter bore not a single resemblance to him and, more significantly, that she was white?

Ben’s Reaction

Not only Angela and the medical team were taken aback by the baby’s exceptional look. Angela’s partner, Ben, also got a huge surprise. When he stepped into the delivery room to gaze at his newly born little girl for the very first time, he found himself equally astounded by her distinct appearance right from birth.

Image is for illustration purposes only: Photo by Carlo Navarro on Unsplash

For what felt like an eternity, he sat quietly in the birth room, his gaze fixed on his wife, without a single word passing between them. It was him who eventually shattered the quietness.

Feeling Confused

“The very first reaction I had was to look directly at her and exclaim, ‘What the flip?’,” Ben recounted in his interview with The Sun.

Screenshot via “The Sun”

“I was truly joyful about our new baby, but it still mystified us how we ended up with a blonde child in an entirely black family,” he went on to say.

Did She Cheat?

Ben found it truly puzzling that his little girl had no resemblance to either him or his wife. He just couldn’t understand why.

Image is for illustration purposes only: Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

“I had to probe because I was totally clueless about what was going on. Personally, I am completely convinced that she is my kid,” Ben chuckled while sharing with The Sun. “But what baffles me is why she is blonde,” his statement continued.

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